Burnt Snow, my first novel, was released in 2010 by Pan MacMillan Australia. White Rain, the sequel, is due soon. As part of a trilogy about witches, earth magic, curses, love and revenge, this blog archives my research into the world of the witches - as well as my own magical saga as a new author.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


So you're all coming to Thirning Villa in Pratten Park, Arthur St, Ashfield THIS MONDAY at 7pm to hear me do a read from White Rain and listen to some opera and cabaret? Yes? Great. You should also plan to come to this...

Click on this and open it out for good times.
Yes, I've written another play. It be exhausting. This one I've developed with a group of long term collaborators - the wonderful director, Travis Green, and dramaturg (that's "script jockey") Jenni Medway as well as some remarkable actors (Simon Binns, Karli Evans, Aileen Huynh, Kirby Medway, Lucy Miller, Abe Mitchell, David Molloy, Joe Parro, Mark Rogers, Erin Taylor and Brendan Tynan-Davey who are in the show and Nikki Kennedy, Feargus Manning, Emma McManus, Sarah Quinn, Karena Thomas, Kate Worsley came to play as well). 
It is a VERY BLACK comedy and not suitable for children, but anyone who accidentally acquired a knowledge of Shakespeare's As You Like It should find it... an interesting interpretation of some story elements. It's also a workshop performance, which means the set may full down but it is FREE to attend - and the venue is the Pratten Park Bowling Club, here on Arthur St, next to the villa. 
If you've ever wanted to see experimental theatre in a suburban bowling club venue, this is your best opportunity! It's June 9 (Thu), 10 (Fri) and 11 (Sat) for a 7.30pm show, and to guarantee a ticket, drop a line to theashfieldbeehive@gmail.com. I promise, it will be an unforgettable theatrical experience.
If you don't live in Sydney, but you DO live in Brisbane, you can STILL see a play of mine (if not at a bowling club). Bang on the Nerve is getting a production from May 26-June 4 from Underground Productions, and the details are here. AND if you are in Tasmania and can get to Launceston, Bang on the Nerve is also running in the 13th Floor Festival at The Annexe Theatre on the 28th and 29th of May, read about it here
More news on White Rain to come soon - but YES, it is off with the publishers, and they are standing around their magic cauldrons of editorial goodness to make it supergreat. SO. EXCITING. 

xxx Van

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